Birches Park

PEHRA is pleased to announce that on July 24th, 2020 our Birches Park Gazebo received power!  We celebrated the Gazebo Grand Opening on December 8, 2018.  Providing power to the Gazebo required a great collaborative effort on behalf of HRM and NS Power to replace deteriorating poles, add poles and direct an underground line to our Gazebo.

Our community now has a wonderful, unique facility in Birches Park for relaxing in the shade or hosting community performance opportunities. Above, a photo of our Gazebo at night with our timed evening lights in action.  

We encourage residents to utilize the Gazebo respectfully so it will give our community years of enjoyment. To book the use of the Birches Park Gazebo for a gathering or event, please contact Tracy Murphy at [email protected].  If you have any other questions or wish to help organize community events using the Gazebo, please contact [email protected].  

Thank you all for your continued support, Dalyce Mallion, PEHRA Chair.

As residents of Portland Estates and Portland Hills, we can be very proud that we have a lovely park to enjoy in the midst of our community. The Birches Park Committee was formed over 10 years ago out of a concern for maintenance issues developing in the park. Some facilities were aging and in need of repair and our community was expanding rapidly increasing the demand for outdoor enjoyment.  In October, 2005, a group of PEHRA volunteers met in the park with Councillor Bill Karsten and HRM park staff to conduct a site analysis and develop a plan for future improvements to enhance the park and increase the benefits for all our residents.

A rough plan was drawn up, priorities and budgets were established and the work began!  The Birches Park Committee then held a community meeting to get input from residents. PEHRA has been successful in accomplishing the following improvements working with HRM, our Councilor, contractors, suppliers, local companies and fund raising efforts.

PERHA is an active place to share your concerns and your ideas for change in your community. With more volunteers, the Birches Park Committee can continue to develop the park to meet the growing needs of our community.  Get involved, have fun and make it happen! For more info contact [email protected] or call (902-448-1010.)

This article was updated on August 22, 2022